Michele Di Palo Williams & Graeme Williams Student Opportunity Fund

Established by Michele Di Palo-Williams & Graeme Williams to provide mini-grant awards to students who might not otherwise consider undertaking activities that enhance their studies and who might benefit from considering research, scholarship, and creative activities work as a part of their learning. These funds are intended to provide support for experiences like: expenses for materials for research, access to online resources, conference registration or travel and other expenses which may enhance and support research and creative activities.

Eligible students will apply through the Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities program (RSCA). Applications for this fund may be found by contacting the RSCA office. Applications will require students to provide a budget/request amount, description of the research project and expected completion date. A faculty mentor will endorse each application before submission. The awards will be granted on a per semester basis.

Please note * this is not an application but an announcement for students for informational purposes. Selecting “APPLY” will not be considered an application. To learn more or request an application please contact the RSCA office https://www.newpaltz.edu/research/usr_advisoryboard.html

Funds for this opportunity will be available for Spring ’23

Varies ($25 - $500)
General Scholarships, Materials/Supplies, Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities program (RSCA)