Dr. Beverly M. Brumm Endowed Scholarship Fund

The Dr. Beverly M. Brumm Endowed Scholarship Fund will support an annual non-renewable scholarship to a SUNY New Paltz Theatre Arts major entering his or her senior year. Preference will be given to: Students entering their senior year with notable success in their Performance concentration.

Full-time matriculated students, majoring in Theatre Arts, with an overall GP A of at least 3.00, and Theatre Arts coursework grades averaging 3.00 or higher. In addition, a letter of recommendation from a Theatre Arts faculty member is required. That letter should include an endorsement of the student’s character and potential to succeed in the field, as well as confirmation of the student’s completion of most of the core major requirements.

varies (up to $2,000)
Fine and Performing Arts Scholarships, Theatre Arts Scholarships, Undergraduate
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a junior entering senior year?
  2. Write at least one descriptive paragraph explaining why you are applying to this scholarship. Consider how it relates to your major, goals or interests, etc.